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Human+AI interactions

Contextualization and Exploration of Local Feature Importance Explanations to Improve Understanding and Satisfaction of Non-Expert Users

Bove, C.; Aigrain, J.; Detyniecki, M.2022

Proceedings of the Int. Conf. of Intelligent User Interface, IUI 2022

Building Trust in Artificial Conversational Agent

Bove, C.; Detyniecki, M.2021

IUI 2021 Workshop Conversational User Interface (CUI@IUI)

Contextualising Local Explanations for Non-Expert Users: an XAI Pricing Interface for Insurance

Bove, C.; Aigrain, J.; Detyniecki, M.2021

IUI 2021 Workshop Transparent and Explainable Smart System (TExSS)

Contract Statements Knowledge Service for Chatbots

Ruf, B.; Sammarco, M.; Detyniecki, M.2019

IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics

The team

Clara Bove

Design Researcher

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Marcin Detyniecki

Head of Research and Development

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